Thursday, June 27, 2013

Whoowhoo! 2013 Totals!

We have a theme for 2014.......but first......

Tickets.  Shirts.  Beverages.  Heart dogs. Burgers, brats, fish.   Candy.  Quilts.  50/50 Raffle.    Birthdays.  Advertising.  Donations. Sweethearts.  Donation hearts.  Toilet Seats...
.... all added up to a whoppin'


$81,900 will be sent to the American  Heart Association.  $9,100 will stay in Manitowoc County for local distribution.

Thanks a million. 
Thanks two million. 
Thanks almost three million...with your generosity, we're getting close

Now, back to that theme announcement.  HAR 2014...sorry, the phone is ringing.  Gotta go. Who knows,  it could be a legal matter  Check back.